
Returning Damaged Notes

Damaged or mutilated Bank notes
Bank notes can be damaged or mutilated by poor handling and/or storage. The Bank of Uganda encourages users of currency to keep it well so as to lengthen its lifecycle.
Returning mutilated notes
A damaged or mutilated banknote, can be brought to Bank of Uganda Headquarters or at any of the currency centers.
The bearer is given a form to fill and attach to the damaged note. It is then returned to the authorized officer and a new banknote will be issued to the bearer.
For a mutilated note to be accepted and a new note issued, at least three quarters of that note must be available.
Counterfeits are completely worthless notes. Don’t get caught up- protect yourself and check your banknotes whenever you receive them. It is a criminal offence to keep or pass on a note you know is a counterfeit. If you have a note that you believe is counterfeit, you must take it to police or Bank of Uganda, as soon as possible.