About the Bank

Who We Are

The Bank of Uganda (BoU) is the Central Bank of the Republic of Uganda. It was opened on the 15th  August 1966. It is 100% owned by the Government of Uganda but it is not a government Department.  Bank of Uganda conducts all its activities in close association with the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development(MoFPED).
Bank of Uganda is responsible for monetary policy and maintaining price stability.

Mission of Bank of Uganda

To foster price stability and a sound financial system.

Vision of Bank of Uganda

To be a centre of excellence in upholding macroeconomic stability.

Location of Bank of Uganda

Bank of Uganda Headquarters are located on Plot 37/45 Kampala Road.
The Bank has 9 branches headed by Branch Managers in Kampala, Jinja, Mbale, Gulu, Mbarara, Kabale, Fort Portal , Arua and Masaka towns.

Management of the Bank of Uganda:

The Board of Directors is responsible for overall management of the Bank. It is appointed by the President of the Republic of Uganda and is composed of:
1) The Governor and Chairman of the Board,
2) The Deputy Governor and Deputy Chairman of the Board,
3) Not more than 5 other members.