Directorates and Departments in the Bank

Bank of Uganda is organised into Directorates and departments through which it carries out the activities under its mandate.


Governor's Office

Under the Governor’s Office is the Office of the Governor and the Office of the Deputy Governor.
  1. Office of the Governor
    Composed of the Governor and his personal secretary.
    The Economic Advisor to the Governor, (who is an Executive Director) reports to the Governor.
  2. Office of Deputy Governor
    Composed of the Deputy Governor and his personal secretary.
    The Strategy and Risk Management Department headed by a Director, reports to the Deputy Governor.

Administration Directorate

Headed by the Executive Director Administration, it has the following departments:
  1. Administrative Services Department
    Headed by the Director Administrative Services.
  2. Headed by the Director Human Resources.
  3. Headed by the Director Medical Services.
  4. Security Department
    Headed by the Director Security.

Bank Secretariat Directorate

Headed by the Bank Secretary who is an Executive Director. Bank Secretariat has the following departments:
  1. Headed by the Director Board Affairs.
  2. Communications Department
    Headed by the Director Communications.
  3. Legal Services Department
    Headed by the Legal Counsel.

Finance Directorate

Headed by the Executive Director Finance. The directorate has the following departments:
  1. Accounts Department
    Headed by the Chief Accountant.
  2. Payments and Settlements Department (PSD)
    Headed by the Director, PSD.

Internal Audit Directorate

Headed by the Chief Internal Auditor. This directorate has one department:
  1. Internal Audit Department, headed by the Director, Audit.

Operations Directorate

Headed by the Executive Director Operations. This directorate has the following departments:
  1. Banking Department, headed by the Director Banking.
  2. Currency Department, headed by the Director Currency.
  3. Financial Markets Department, headed by the Director Financial Markets.

Research and Policy Directorate

Headed by the Executive Director Research. This Directorate has the following departments:
  1. Research Department, headed by the Director Research.
  2. Statistics Department, headed by the Director Statistics

Information Technology Directorate

Headed by the Executive Director Information Technology.  This Directorate has two departments:
  1. Information Technology Operations, headed by the Director Information Technology  Operations
  2. Business Automation Department, headed by the Director Business Automation

Supervision Directorate

Headed by the Executive Director Supervision. This Directorate has the following departments:
  1. Commercial Banking Department, headed by the Director Commercial Banking.
  2. Financial Stability Department, headed by the Director Financial Stability